After spending a healthy sum of money on your brand new cat condo, you hope there won’t be too many big expenses for your pet in the near future. Of course, you couldn’t be happier with the cat condo and cat fence that you purchased. It is simply ideal for your cat and looks exquisite on your property. You know your pet will love his new cat enclosure. You can just envision the happy hours he will spend basking in the sunlight and prowling about his cat kennels in search of a mouse.
Despite these positive sides, your bank account is a little lean after this investment. So you cross your fingers, hope your pet enjoys his cat condo and hope no more large expenses are coming around the bend.
As pet parents, we never know what our pets may need. A sudden illness or healthcare emergency can cost thousands of dollars and be a tremendous drain on your checking account. Thankfully there are a few ways you can prevent some of the more common and most costly healthcare issues cats face.
First lets start with the basics. By simply keeping your cat condo or cat kennels as sanitary and clean as possible, you will be going a long ways in preventing illness and disease. You should also make sure you clean out any extra food in your cat condos before it spoils or molds. This will help prevent intestinal upsets and food poisoning. The litter-box is another issue. A clean litter-box makes for a healthy cat. Just because the litter box is in your cat condo or put in the cat fence, doesn’t mean you can ignore it for a week at a time. In fact, if your pet’s litter box is in a cat outdoor run or cat fence, it is even more critical that it is changed daily.
When the litter box is outside in your cat condo or cat enclosure, it will attract bugs, flies and other insects. These flying creatures carry and spread disease wherever they go. So do the best you can to eliminate them by keeping the litter box fresh and sanitary. Now let’s look at some more specific cat conditions that you can help prevent in your cat:
Intestinal obstruction.
If you ever watch your cat play in his cat condo or cat kennels, you will notice that he is extremely curious. Cats love to explore and discover new objects. Unfortunately, many cats end up ingesting foreign substances that are not digestible. This can lead to an intestinal blockage. Without surgery, your pet will die. The best prevention is to keep your cat condos and cat fence free from any type of foreign object your pet may think to ingest. For example, things like yarn, thread and soft plastic objects are most commonly ingested by cats. SO keep your cat condo or cat fence free from these accessories. If you are a crafty person or enjoy sewing, keep an eye on your cat when you have these accessories out. Your cat may grab a ball of yarn or tube of thread and drag it into his cat condo or cat fence where he will proceed to chew on it and possibly swallow certain pieces. Having a cat around the house is a lot like having a toddler running around. Keep the floor, tables ad counters free from objects that your cat could swallow or ingest. To keep your pet occupied, try filling his cat condo or cat kennels with appropriate toys. If your cat is happily entertained in his cat condos or cat outdoor run, he will be less likely to become mischievous and try grabbing things that don’t belong to him.
Urinary Tract Infections.
While it is never possible to totally prevent certain health conditions in your cat, there are steps you can take to minimize the risk. This is especially true of urinary tract infections. One of the best preventions is to make sure your pet drinks plenty of water. This means your pet should have access to fresh water at all times in is cat condo or cat enclosure. Forgetting to place a clean bowl of water in your cat condo or cat outdoor run is not only irresponsible, it can jeopardize your pet’s health. Cats tend to not drink enough to begin with. If water is unavailable to them while they are in their cat condos or cat kennels, this will only complicate matters.
Keep in mind that it is not enough to say “your pet has water.” If the water in your cat condo or cat enclosure is dirty, dusty, old or stale, your cat won’t drink it and will probably become dehydrated. This is why it is essential that you change your pet’s water daily. It only takes a moment to walk in your cat enclosure or cat outdoor run, pick up the water dish and re-fill it. This small amount of time will be well-worth it in the long run.
Another way to ensure your pet gets plenty of liquids is to feed him canned food. If your pet seems to ignore his meals and lets them sit in his cat condo, untouched all day, wet food may be the trick. Since wet food has higher water content than dry food, it will also provide your pet with increased hydration.
As you watch your pet playing in his cat condo or cat outdoor run, watch for any signs indicating soreness or abscesses. Abscesses can be quite painful. The skin becomes inflamed and before long the wound will start to drain. If your pet seems more lethargic than unusual in his cat fence or cat outdoor run, or if he seems to be licking a certain spot incessantly, take a few moments to check him out. Applying iodine or a disinfectant to the abbesses can be helpful. The best way to prevent absences is to make sure your pet does not get injured or bit by another animal. If you have already purchased a cat outdoor run or cat kennels for your pet, you are one step ahead of the game. Cat condos that are placed outside are ideal for protecting your pet from predators and other injuries. A cat condo or cat outdoor run can go a log way in providing your pet with a safe, happy outdoor environment.