Finches are great for apartment dwellers. They are small, relatively quiet and sweet as can be. The one thing about finches is you can’t seem to get enough of them. Many bird enthusiasts keep several of them at a time in their finch cages just because they are so irresistible.
Finch Cage Set Up
Finches have a lot of energy and need to be able to fly around inside the cage in order to stay healthy. At least two or three perches should be in the cage, ensure that the cage is not crowded with too many accessories, otherwise there will not be room for them to fly. All the bird perches need to be wide enough for the bird to easily maintain its balance. Deciding on these items will depend on the side, position, and lighting the cage is in.
Finch Cages Size
It is important to build or purchase a cage that is large enough to provide enough flight space. This space should be at least 30 inches in length for a pair of finches. In general, when determining how many finches can live in the same cage together is based on one pair of finches for every 3-4 square feet of space on the bottom. Since finches cannot climb the walls of cages, their only way of exercise is by flying. The length of the cage is more important than the depth or height of it. Another important factoring when choosing a finch cage is the spacing. The rule is the spacing should be ¼”-½”, other sized can cause an injury.
Cage Position
The position of a cage is important for finch’s health and happiness. It’s a good idea to put the cage somewhere where the birds can be on perches that are at or above eye level. This is because finches tend to feel nervous when they are towered over. Cages should be located in quiet areas with low foot traffic to minimize stress on the birds.
Indoor finch’s need a suitable living area to keep them healthy & safe. They should not be housed in rooms such as a kitchen that tend to have a varying hot-cold temperature. The room should be well-ventilated, and also away from predators such as cats and dogs. Birds are good at adjusting to the temperature of the room, however, they must get slowly acclimated to the temperature.
If you are unable to keep your finch near direct sunlight, you need to try to mimic natural lighting as closely as possible. This can be achieved by installing a full spectrum light and set it on a timer to turn on when the sun rises and turn off when the sunsets. Cage lights are strong enough to produce the right amount of UV for your bird.
It’s important to mimic natural lighting because the hormone cycles of most bird species are influenced by the changing of day and night. UV light-emitting fixtures play an important role in allowing birds to produce vitamin D & adsorb calcium. Covering the cage at night is not good since exposure to fresh air is important, and the finches ideally should rise with the sun.
Finch Care
A thing to note when caring for your finch is that they must never be kept alone. They are extremely sociable birds and need partners of their own species. If they have a lack of companions they will be subjected to loneliness and possibly become ill. It finches belong to a flock than they will be healthier and happier. Companionship, among other things, is extremely important when taking care of a finch.
You must give your finches a balanced diet if they are to live long and happy lives. Fresh finch seed mix should be checked twice a day and always available. Be aware that they will leave the empty husks in the bowl. Fresh food should be given at the beginning or the end of the day to follow the natural foraging periods of finches.
Protein is an important nutrient for finches, a boiled egg with shells may be offered in a small egg cup daily. You can also feed your finch chopped up mealworms offered a few times a week. A healthy mix of shredded fruits and vegetables may be offered daily. After a few hours, if the birds have not finished their fresh food, remove it from the cage and throw it away. Changing food daily is important to minimize bacteria and contamination.
To make sure your finches are getting the vitamins their bodies need, there may be a need for the addition of a high-quality powdered vitamin. The vitamin can be added to the top of their daily fruits and vegetables or sprinkled on their seeds. A liquid vitamin may be used instead of the powdered if your finches do not like the vitamins in their food. The liquid vitamin is simple, you just add it to their freshwater daily. It’s important to watch your finches to ensure that they are drinking the vitamin water and not drinking for any length of time.
Stackable Finch Cages
Finches are good for any style of home you have. However, if you live in an apartment or small home, space is an issue. How will you find enough room for 3-4 birdcages?The Hybrid birdcages offered by Custom Cages have a unique feature: they’re stackable! So let’s say you only have enough space for 2 birdcages—well guess what you can easily fit 4 small finch cages in that amount of space. These bird cages have a pin slot system that enables you to securely stack the finch cages. The system is safe and secure, There is no need to worry about the top cage slipping off or falling to the ground.
About Custom Cages
Custom Cages is one of the nation’s leading manufacturers of high-quality, custom made birdcages. They have spent years and years perfecting their systems to provide avian lovers like you with bird cages that are safe, secure, and convenient. So you can be absolutely, positively sure that you’re getting quality finch cages from a quality company.