Macaw, Bird Species Information | Custom Cages

Military Macaw Eating

Huge. Majestic. Gorgeous. Wild. All these words describe the stunning macaw. Their beauty, size and physical characteristics make them one of the most coveted of all the parrot species.

Although you currently one of the smaller parrots, your dream is to purchase a gorgeous macaw. Their stunning plumage takes your breath away and their gigantic size absolutely captivates you. There is no doubt that a macaw, is the next bird on you list.

Native Origin & Natural Habitat

Macaws can be found throughout South and Central America. The natives have prized their brightly colored tail feathers and meat for centuries. The Pueblo tribe believed that owning a macaw symbolized a peaceful, well-ordered home.

Macaws fly in pairs, screaming as they sour through the air. They nest in hollowed trees, using their strong bills to enlarge the holes. Most macaws will return to the same nesting spot year after year to raise their young. They generally raise two broods of chicks each year.

Macaws are extremely sly creatures, who delight in raiding cornfields. But they do so tactfully, posting sentinels in the trees to keep a lookout for an angry farmer. If danger is spotted the sentinels will let out a warning signal and the whole flock will rapidly disappear.

Abilities & Temperament

Macaws are large birds, with many species spanning 3 feet in length. They tend to be somewhat vocal and are known for uttering loud screams or shrieks. If you plan on adding a Macaw to your family, make sure your next door neighbors don’t mid routine shrieks and hollers from your bird.

Scientific research has shown that the cerebral region of a Macaw’s brain is larger than other birds their size. This makes them exceptionally intelligent. Despite their smarts, these birds are not great talkers and usually only learn a few words. But they are talented at learning tricks. You can teach your intelligent macaw how to ride a bike or roller skate. Obviously, we’re talking about bikes and roller skates designed for birds, not humans.

Before purchasing a macaw, make sure your house is large enough to accommodate the size of bird cage your pet will need. Macaw cages are exceptionally large. They also need to be extremely sturdy.

Macaws have powerful beaks. They can often twist or flex cage bars until they break. In order to avoid having to purchase a second Macaw cage, pick out a sturdy one to begin with. If you purchase a stainless steel bird cage, the panels should be welded, not woven together. Hinges should be attached using welded hinges, not hog rings, which are easy for macaws to remove. An acrylic bird cage is also a good option. Certain acrylic bird cages are five times stronger than glass bird cages, making them an ideal choice for a macaw cage.

Placing a Macaw Cage in Your Beautiful Living Room

You’ve always dreamed of owning am elegant macaw. But now you’re worried. A gigantic wire cage in the middle of your freshly furnished living room? Is that an eyesore or what? You just spend thousands of dollars fixing your décor, making your home look absolutely perfect and elegant. The thought of an unsightly wire or metal fixture in the middle of your house makes you cringe.

Don’t worry. There are dozens of decorative bird cages on the market that will fit right in with your home furnishings. In fact, many bird cages are actually designed to look like a piece of furniture—even macaw cages are available in this style. These gorgeous, furniture style bird cages, available at Custom Cages and called Majestic bird cages, have a solid wood exterior frame with a variety of finishes to match your preferences.

You can also purchase an elegant looking stand and hood along with your Majestic bird enclosure which will give your bird enclosure a stroke of elegance and a finished appearance. Many stands also include shelves which is a great place to keep extra bird-supplies.

When Should I Purchase a Macaw Cage?

If you purchase your Macaw as a young chick, you will not need a large bird cage right away. Instead, you can purchase a small parrot cage to begin with. Of course once your little chick grows up, you will have to purchase a second birdcage of adequate size. Now you find yourself in a predicament. You do not want to invest the capital required for a large bird cage while your pet is just a baby. But at the same time, you don’t want to purchase a second bird cage, only to discard the first one you bought. The best solution is to purchase a parrot cage that is expandable and allows you to add additional units without having to purchase a second cage. Custom Cages offers this expandable feature with nearly all of it’s bird cages. It’s an extremely cost-effective way to simply “expand” your bird’s habitat as he grows.

Macaw Species

There are 6 distinct Macaw species, all originating from South America:

  • The Scarlet Macaw is one of the larger macaw species and can reach a length of 36 inches. Despite its size, this bird is an extremely docile and makes an excellent pet. Just don’t underestimate your bird’s abilities. If irritated, annoyed or frightened (which happens on occasion) your gentle giant can inflict a powerful and damaging bite. These giant bids require a lot of care and prefer being outdoors. As a result, it’s a good idea to purchase a large Suncatcher outdoor aviary where your bird can enjoy the sunshine and fresh air.
  • The Green-winged Macaw has a large head and massive beak. Its feather patterns are almost exotic, making this bird quite an attraction.
  • The Military Macaw is the least colorful of its species. It is primarily green with a dash of blue on the tail feathers and a few red feathers on the forehead. Military Macaws are the heaviest type of Macaw and can weight between 800-1500 grams.
  • The Hyacinth is the largest of all parrots and can reach a length of 40 inches.

While every bird lover may dream of owning a macaw, not everyone can afford to care for these giant birds.

If you’re in love with macaws, you can purchase one of the smaller macaw species, such as the Noble Macaw, which is only 13-14 inches long. These smaller parrots are easier to care for but have vivacious personalities to match their larger cousins.