Outdoor Cat Pens, Custom Build Your Own | Custom Cages

Whether you are getting your first cat or if you are a long-time cat owner looking to enhance your pet’s quality of life, purchasing outdoor cat pens is an important step. Outdoor cat pens are one of the most effective ways to increase your pet’s quality of life and here’s why:

Outdoor Cat Pen
Click here for Outdoor Cat Pens

By purchasing outdoor cat pens, you will give your pet a chance to enjoy the great outdoors in a safe, secure manner. For free-roaming cats, your neighborhood and property are wrought with a thousand dangers. Previously, cat owners had to decide between keeping their pets safe and letting them enjoy the fun that comes with being outside. But now you don’t have to choose. By utilizing outdoor cat pens, you can give your pet the best of both worlds: safety and the ability to enjoy the great outdoors.

Selecting Your Outdoor Cat Pens

Once you’ve decided to actually purchase outdoor cat pens, you will need to determine the proper size, material and color. There are a number of factors to consider when deciding on the proper square footage for your pets.

  • The number of cats you have. The more cats you plan to house in your outdoor cat pens the larger it will need to be. While cats tend to get along with one another, they appreciate having their own space. Don’t buy tiny outdoor cat pens and try to cram 3-4 cats in it. This will defeat the entire point of helping your pet “enjoy” the outdoors.
  • Your goal. If you plan to use your outdoor cat pens as your pet’s primary residence, it will need to be much larger than if you only wanted to use it as a playground. The longer your pets will be staying in the outdoor cat pen, the bigger it should be. Think about it. You wouldn’t like living in a tiny house would you? Of course not. In the same way, your cats won’t appreciate tripping over one another in their outdoor cat pens. Additionally, if your goal is to encourage your pets to get plenty of exercise, it would be best to get an outdoor cat enclosure that is fairly large.
  • The accessories. When determining the proper size for your outdoor cat pens, keep in mind the amount of space required for accessories. If you want to include a cat condo, cat trees and cat scratching posts in your outdoor cat pens, you will need ample space for these items and your pets. Additionally, if you plan on keeping your pets in their outdoor cat pens most of the day, you will also need to conserve space for food and water bowls.

If you are looking for quality outdoor cat pens, Custom Cages has you covered. We provide high-quality outdoor cat pens that you and your cats will love!

For more information on cat houses click the links below: