Indoor Aviaries | Custom Build Your Own

Indoor Aviaries
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Adaptable Indoor Aviaries

The Suncatcher indoor aviary can be used safely inside or outside. To transition from inside to the outdoors, all you have to do is remove the floor kit and move the enclosure. This avoids the need to purchase multiple enclosures for multiple uses.

We spent over 10 years researching, experimenting, and perfecting the Suncatcher Enclosure. The result is a customized and durable home that any bird can find solace in.

Click here to view all of our indoor aviary designs!

Professional Services for Indoor Aviaries

Are you looking for an indoor aviary for your business? Through our sister company, Serenity Aquarium and Aviary Services, we offer indoor aviaries for commercial and healthcare facilities, along with a comprehensive aviary cleaning service. This way, you and your staff can enjoy the aviary, the company of our wonderful finches, without the extra work.

For more information on bird enclosures, tap the links below: